International driver license

Spaniards can use our driver card all around European Union, but when we get out of our Europe we need an International driver license. It’s not enough with having to carry with that big passport, now we have to put another huge license with us.

But the main disadvantage is not the size, it’s the validity duration. In just one year it’s expired, so for crazy travelers like us is not a good deal. Supposedly in any Spanish embassy around the world they would be able to get me a new one… but who knows what will happen with all that bureaucracy, easily I would get expired the current VISA before getting the new one.

Getting the International driver license in Spain costs 9,60€, but if you count the time you have to spend for doing it… Lucky those who never needed to deal with Spanish state workers.

I went to the Traffic office early morning (that’s 11 am in Spain, don’t misunderstand me), I was hoping to be able to get other paperwork done that morning (yeah, during the morning, for me -in Spain- morning lasts until I eat lunch -around 2:30 pm-)but I spent over 2 hours in the queue!

After the long waiting time I tried to ask the state worker for some delay on the date stamp, so that way I could use it longer time; but she wasn’t nice at all. I ask her how to renovate it if I am out and she was suggesting me to send someone with copies of my IDs.

For every visa in every country we will need ID photos, so I manage to do it by myself, for a few cents I have now a lot of them for a long time of border crossings!